Friday, 19 October 2012

Glad You Asked and English Club

The first two activities that we've started here after the opening night, are a Glad You Asked Course and an English Club. Glad You Asked is a DVD course where the answers to 10 important questions are presented from a christian perspective. It starts fairly general with questions like 'why is there suffering/' and 'do all religions lead to God?' and gets more specific with questions like 'who was Jesus?' and 'why did He die?' At the English club, we do some basic activities and games in English and do some grammar exercises. The aim is partly to serve students with their need for learning English, but also to get into contact with students who wouldn't necessarily come directly to other, more spiritual activities.
Above, students studying English and below, a warm up activity at a Glad You Asked evening.

Bible and Life Conference

Last weekend there was a training conference for students here entitled 'Bible and Life'. The students who participated (7 from Balti and around 15 from Chisinau) were separated into two levels depending on whether they had been to the conference before or not. The first level students had studies on topics such as 'the Authority of Jesus in our lives', and 'Evangelism'. I helped with the second level. Here we studied about 'how to study the Bible inductively using the manuscript method'. Certainly in Balti the conference had a positive affect on the students involved, all of whom have since shown a desire and enthusiasm to get involved in the activities we have here.
Top picture, the second level students and below, all the students from the conference.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Opening Night

Monday week ago, the 24th September, we had our opening meeting for this academic year here in Balti. The programme was simple, with a few songs, a getting to know you game, a presentation of IFES and CSC and I gave a short talk about Matthew 6:33 and the importance of making seeking God a priority in life. About 20 students attended, who hopefully we can keep contact with in the course of the coming year.