Thursday 24 January 2013

Student Christmas Celebration

On the Friday before Christmas, we had a special student Christmas evening in Chisinau together with students from both Balti and Chisinau. 9 students came from Balti and in total there were over 30 students. The programme was games, some Christmas sketches, carol singing, a short message, a trip into the city centre to see the Christmas lights and tree and also some special Christmas food! Below are pictures of firstly, students singing carols together, then the group from Balti carol singing and finally, the group from Balti doing their Christmas sketch, 'we can't see Jesus, all about the fact that lots of traditions get in the way of the true Christams message.

Back in Balti!

After a break of three weeks in England and then Romania, I am now back in Balti. The new university term starts next week and the further education colleges and high schools are already up and running. In CSC we will be having a national meeting in Chisinau at the start of next week, that is a meeting between the workers in Chisinau and those in Balti (pictured below), and we will be planning our activities for the coming semester. The first big event will be in the second weekend in February, when a well known speaker, Richard Lamb, will be in Chisinau and will hold a conference about Biblical Images for Leadership.