Saturday 28 December 2013

January and February plans

In Moldova the month of January is a holiday month from lectures at the university, although some students still have exams. As a result CSC has their annual months holiday in this month. Also, in Moldova many people celebrate the Russian Orthodox Christmas, which is on the 7th January. Officially then , we won't be having any activities in Balti in January, although we may have some casual social meetings for the students. In February, we will do a course with the students entitled 'The Images of Leadership', in which different Biblical ideas are presented of what it means to be a Christian leader. For example, the first study is about David and some of his qualities as he led the Jewish people. Alongside some of our other more regular activities, such as English Club and games night, we also have some Bible studies, called 'uncover' in English which have been freshly translated into Romanian. The idea here is that each study, based on Luke's gospel, already contains all the information needed to understand and carry out the study, so Christian students can easily do the study with friends and colleagues.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Recent Activity

Here are some photos from the last few weeks (representing, not necessarily in order, the recent CSC student Christmas evening, Carol singing at the student dorms in Chisinau, Fritz's visit from Australia and arriving back in England to rain and a children's Christmas party):