Saturday 27 April 2013

Future Planning

Gradually here the university, colleges and schools are approaching exam time. At the university and colleges exams are already beginning and the High schools will start with exams in June. Thus our activities for this semester are winding down and we are starting to plan for the summer and beyond. The main activity of the summer will be an English camp in July. Even though it's not long until then, as is often the way of things in this part of the world, we still don't know for sure what this camp will be. There is the possibility that a team will come from England to help or otherwise, there are a couple of other camps with American teams who we have been invited to join if the team from England doesn't come. Thus at the moment things are a bit uncertain, but in any case, we aim in the next few weeks to start inviting and looking for students for the camp. Another initiative, is that we are trying to form a student team for the coming academic year. One of the ideas that IFES groups work on, is that the group should be student lead. Thus we are trying to encourage as much as possible the students here to get actively involved in the student group. Yesterday, we had our first meeting and four students came. Slavic, who is currently the director of CSC came and spoke to the students about the vision of CSC and gave them an opportunity to suggest ideas of things that they would like us to do in the coming academic year. There were a few suggestions such as to try and organise an evangelistic concert, as we know a number of Christian students from the music college here. Before the start of the new academic year, we will meet again to try and make some of the ideas more concrete.

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