Thursday 31 October 2013

The Australian Connection

Over the course of the last week we have been visited by Mervin Dunkin from Australia. Over the course of the last 10 years, he has been coming regularly to Moldova together with other individuals and teams, to be involved in different ministries here. Together with him, we have had a number of activities, such as Australian culture night, Australian presentation at a local college and some training in leadership for the student leaders here. Next week he will be going onto the student group in Chisinau and then to the student movement in Romania. He is however hoping to bring a team back to Moldova next summer and also has plans to help raise money to buy a permanent office for the student work here. Also, in two weeks time a colleague of his from Australia will also be visiting for a week and we are planning some more student activities for that time. Below a selection of photos (welcome evening Moldovan style, visiting a local college, pasta Moldovan style, around Balti, leaders' meeting, making fruit salad, Australian presentation, final product, down the hatch!)

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