Friday 9 August 2019

CSC Balti update

❤️English and Bible Camp 1st to 7th July 2019
The annual English and Bible camp went well. We held it at Vadul lui Voda, a manmade resort by a river, near to Chisinau. This year, we were apprehensive as we stepped out in faith and hired a much nicer, but more expensive venue than in previous years. Before the camp, there were a number of details we were unsure about including finances and the fact that we were sharing the large campsite with other camps. God provided though, and both the financial situation and sharing the camp worked out fine. In fact, although there were other camps going on at the same time as ours, except for a few times, you could hardly notice.

36 participants came to the camp meaning that together with the CSC team and team from UCCF, there were over fifty people at the camp in total. The camp programme was similar to previous years, with a mixture of English lessons and Bible studies together with cultural and other fun activities. Something encouraging was that on the evaluation form at the end of the camp, in response to the question about what they had learnt at camp, almost everyone said something connected to the Bible studies. Additionally, in response to what they liked about the camp, one person said that they liked that they had become a different person!

Also, 12 people said that they were interested in finding out about other CSC activities and most importantly, 10 people responded positively by raising their hand to show interest after the Gospel talk on the final evening. There are some photos on facebook.

Here are the thoughts of Eliza Lazo, who attended the camp:

To be honest I have had my fair share of camps throughout my life, but the Uncover camp was the greatest of them all! I can definitely say that it has made an imperative impact on my life, on the good side of course 😅
It has opened my eyes and mind to more than I thought was possible.
The people were (and still are) amazing and open-minded, ready to listen and learn. And don’t even get me started on our English team, because this could take a while. I am so grateful for the time I got to spend at the camp, and I am also thankful for the people who made it happen, who brought a bit of light in the minds, hearts and lives of about 40 or so students!
Overall, like I had said at the closing night, the Uncover camp saved my life, in more ways than I know of yet.
Thank you sooo sooo very much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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